WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN! 2017 was a very full year and I am beyond excited to share with you a glimpse of it! I am making this blog to simply share my gratitude for all the opportunities that 2017 had for me and my lovely wife. I am so thrilled that Jesus has opened all these doors to do what I enjoy doing most...hanging out with you beautiful humans!
I shot 33 Weddings from January through December and I am overly grateful that I had the opportunity to be apart of these very special days. I felt so blessed to work with the most wonderful clients! I also had the privilege to travel all over the globe! My first trip was to Banff, CA in January and my last trip of the year was to Prescott, Arizona for Christmas. In between, I visited Iceland, Thailand, Jordan, Canada, China, and several other beautiful destinations! I was also privileged to work with clients such as Jameson, Mazda, The Frye Company, Visit Jordan, Avis, Moment, Sichuan China Tourism, Travel Alberta, Ford Canada, Alaska Airlines, Fossil, Northern Brewer, Stutterheim, Anvil Hotel, Blue Sky Soda, Kia Motors, and more! I also had the honor of shooting an album cover and marketing material for my friend NF which was a huge growing curve for me since it was my first time jumping into a roll like that! In that same genre, I joined Paul Brandt in his latest project - The Journey. I shot some content for him in Canada and in Nashville, including Upper Deck Trading Card that he will be releasing soon. In addition, I recently signed with a publishing house with the hopes of bringing to you all another project. All that info sadly is disclosed BUT I am beyond thrilled to share when it's time! Cheers to all the fun adventures, moments, dreams, and a lavish wonderful beautiful first year of marriage! My wife is a LEGEND!
I really hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think! Love you guys! MAKE SURE YOU CLICK THE PHOTO TO GET TO THE NEXT ONE!


